KARIMUN, RIAU ISLANDS, INDONESIA - Karimun Regent Nurdin Basirun expressed readiness to compete with Singapore in all aspects of life in Karimun regency building. He said he would encourage this process happen as quickly as possible.

"Singapore has a human resources (HR), infrastructure and clear legal certainty. So in Karimun have realized something like that. We will not surrender to the circumstances and current conditions" Nurdin said when officially opening the Medium Term Regional Development Plan (RPJMD ) Karimun regency, on Thursday (21 / 7) at the Multipurpose Building District Office.
Currently Nurdin said, local governments have managed to attract investors to Karimun. It is seen that already 50 companies up and investing since 2008. "This growth we should be grateful. But that does not mean we're satisfied. We will continue to spur investment in Karimun for the welfare of the community," he said.

According to Nurdin, an effort to encourage the presence of the investment, then the local government must prepare the infrastructure. We will try the infrastructure it gradually, "he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Regional Planning Agency (Bappeda) Karimun Regency, Arif Fadillah said RKPJMD activity is in accordance with the vision and mission of Karimun Regent Nurdin Basirun Aunur Rafiq and his deputy.

"That creates a bedaya Karimun Regency competitiveness. Sehingg when competition with neighboring countries, that we're ready," said Arif.

With the adoption Karimun regency as one of the national strategic area, namely the Free Trade Zone (FTZ), then it should be fully utilized.

Activities held during the day du, brings some competent resource persons. Among them are, from the Bandung Institute of Agriculture (IPB). Planning Expert, HR Expert and Community Development, Labor Economist, Resources and Environment, Expert Marine and Fisheries as well as several other sources of expert presented directly from Jakarta. (Source1, Translated By