Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia: Pekanbaru City in June 2011 experienced an inflation of 0.48%, the same thing happened in Dumai City with an inflation of 0.60%.

"The two cities in Riau are equally inflated," said Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Province Riau Abdul Manaf accompanied by Head of Social Statistics Siti Mardiyah, and Head of Production Statistics Christian Goddess, told reporters in Pekanbaru.

He said inflation Pekanbaru and Dumai respectively ranked 11 and 9 as Sumatra from 16 cities who calculate the Consumer Price Index (CPI), as well as # 42 and 28 of 66 cities in Indonesia.

"Most cities in Sumatra experienced inflation, with the highest inflation occurred in the city of Medan at 1.07%, and lowest in the city of Padang Sidempuan of 0.04%, while deflation only occurred in the town of Tanjung Pinang by 0.57%, "he said.

According to Manaf, city Pekanbar inflation caused by increases in group health index by 0.25%, group meals, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco by 0.13%, housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel 0.06% , and clothing as well as the transport and communications and financial services 0.04% respectively.

He explained that the commodities which contribute among other inflation rates Pekanbaru city hospital with a stake of 0.24%, diamond / 0.11% vegetable rice cake, catfish, eggs and chicken meat 0.05%, red chilli 0.04%, catfish and coconut respectively 0.02%, kale, spinach, garlic, green chilies, sugar, potatoes, salted fish and divide each by 0.01%.

While the rate of inflation calendar 2011 [January-June 2011] at 1.20% and inflation year on year [in June 2011 to June 2010] in the city of Pekanbaru of 5.61%. (net)