Batam, Riau Islands, Indonesia: Managing Coega Industrial Development Zone (CDZ) South Africa keen to imitate the system of business licensing and investment in Batam that implement one-stop service at the House of Sumatra Promotion Centre.

According to Rustam Hutapea, Head of Public Relations and Marketing Agency Concession Area Batam (Batam BP), the licensing of investment is concentrated in one building attracting Coega industrial area managers from South Africa to study it more deeply.
"The visit to Batam Coega is part of the agreement signed in Johanessburg in 2008, and this is the beginning for both parties to exchange information," he said after receiving the visit of the manager Coega Development Corporation in building BP Batam yesterday.

Coega IDZ is a free trade area covering 110 square kilometers located in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Region in addition to having the reliability of infrastructure are also equipped with deep-water port facilities capable of serving large capacity vessels.

Existing industries in the Coega area is the manufacturing industry to foreign and local export-oriented. Total investment in the region reached U.S. $ 4.1 billion and portofolia investments currently still in the process of feasibility studies to reach U.S. $ 19.2 billion, which is expected to operate within the next five years, including oil refining industry, combined cycle gas turbine power station , business process outsourcing park, automotive assembly plants, and investment in logistics, chemicals, and food processing.

 Rustam said it opened an opportunity for investors from South Africa who wish to invest into Batam and vice versa. BP Batam see considerable potential for South African market potential, as well as the Coega assess the potential of Southeast Asia as the market continues to grow.

"Currently we are still the focus to attract investment from Asia, but it is also possible if there are investors from South Africa who want to work on the potential market in the region," said Rustam.