Foreign investment in Batam in the second quarter of 2011 reached U.S. $ 81,960,000, a growth of 9.8% compared to the same period last year amounted to U.S. $ 74,628,333.

"That growth includes a number of new foreign-investment projects and foreign investment are expanding in Batam," said Head of Public Relations and Marketing BP Regions Batam, Rustam Hutapea in Batam.

Exploitation Agency (BP) Zone Batam recorded growth of foreign investment as of a January to June 2011 includes a new investment project carried out 47 new foreign direct investment with an investment of U.S. $ 43,455,000. And expansion project carried out 14 FDI enterprises with an investment of U.S. $ 38,505,000.

In detail, he said, starting in January 2011 as many as nine FDI to invest with a value of U.S. $ 14.2 million, in February, three FDI valued at U.S. $ 2.4 million, in March, nine FDI worth U.S. $ 4.55 million, April, 11 FDI valued at U.S. $ 8.2 million in May, eight FDI valued at U.S. $ 3.8 million and June 7 FDI valued at U.S. $ 10.3 million.

Major export and import trade, shipbuilding and ship repair industry, and industrial goods of metal, he said, was being subjected to the largest foreign investment. More foreigners to invest in all three areas of the business.

"The rest evenly in 20 business sectors and for the PMA are to expand its distribution in 11 business sectors are also fairly evenly distributed," he said.

He mentioned, as much as 9 FDI invested in the field of import export trade, 7 PMA in shipbuilding and ship repair industry, 6 FDI in industrial goods from the metal and the rest evenly in 20 business sectors in Batam such as real estate, communications services, processing and marine fish hatchery, motorized transport, construction and electrical installation services.

47 new foreign direct investment coming into, among other Batam from Singapore, Malaysia, India, Australia, China, Britain, Italy, Austria, British Virgin Island (BVI), Hong Kong, Switzerland, Mauritius, and Taiwan.

Meanwhile, BP Regions Batam revealed truth Dubai holds first position as the largest investing countries reaching U.S. $ 25juta. However, indirect investment from Dubai, but the investment made by representatives of Dubai-based company in Singapore.

Cumulative FDI registration data since 1971 from BP to reach the 1430 PMA in March 2011, with an investment of U.S. $ 5,959,259,391.

"We expect the investment climate continued to improve, so that the value of the investment in Batam continues to increase," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Concession Facility BP Zone of Batam, I Wayan Subawa, said foreign investment in Batam performed until the first semester of 2011 can absorb the local workforce in large numbers.

According to Batam is still dominant for the absorption of Indonesia's labor market as a barometer of the investment in Batam Indonesia.

"We have to absorb the labor force because the government is targeting a minimum of 5 million people a year, what our contribution, we review this now," he said.

Moreover, he said, the company in Batam is a labor-intensive companies that need workers in large numbers. He cited the company's shipyard in Batam that requires thousands of workers.

In 2011, Indonesia's labor market in Batam that can be absorbed, he said, reaching 263ribu labor under the assumption of investment projects in 2011 went smoothly. Meanwhile, until March 2011, 21 new FDI investment in Batam can absorb about 5435 people and 76 local workforce of foreign workers,

"The absorption of labor in Batam is still dominant in comparison with other regions. Electronics company and the shipyard still needs a lot of manpower, and the two sectors are still dominant in Batam, "he said. (BI-Net)